Wednesday, March 11, 2009

blogg two

1. I think that Dominque resists physially because she seems to just know that the only way things could be between her and Howard. I believe the thoght of not being in control of a situation is a kind of pleasure in its on to her although she dests it. To me its really confusing, seems to me welcoming pain.
The quote by Ayn Rand if it is rape, “ then it is rape by engraved invitation.”, to me is saying it's not rape because there was some sort of silent understanding with the two parties.
I do not in any way believe that what happened was raped although on the outside looking in it would seem that way. When Roark came into her room she had every opertunity to scream out and say, hey there is this psych man in my home violating my privacy and forcefully making me do things I don't want to do but she didn't. It was like here I am now what are you going to do. So no Dominique was not an unwilling "victim" but a happy participant in a perverted sex scene.

4. When Keating and Roark are at the party, Heating gave Roark the advice to be what people wanted him to be, the meaning is to be a people pleaser. Although it might not be who or what you actually are be submissive to becoming a fraud. In simpler terms the advice is to be fake in every way the word means.
And Keating believes this because that's what he does. That's what he has been exposed to, absorbed, and learned to do which is put up a facid and go with the flow. If you are asked do you play basketball lie your but off about it to gain a hand on what you want.
An approach to life as don't be you, be what people want shows a lot about that persons soul. It says to me that the person standing here in my face is underhanded and crooked and get what they think is wanted from others including loved ones by any means necessary.

7. In question seven Elsworth Toohey is trying to destroy Roark. I believe that Toohey is a bit crazy to me and has a god complex.I feel that in some way elsworth is threatened by Roark and what he stands for although he doesn't know much about Roark.
I think that Toohey branded Roark as an enemy of religon because of what Roark stands for. I really don't understand the reason for Toohey to want to end Roarks career.

9. The cause of Mallorys cynicism is because society has gotten to him and is weighed by the judgement. The thing that saves Mallory was that Roark only like his work and didn't care for anything but that. Roark didn't show pity by giving him work because he needed the money and it helped Mallory get a grip.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Blog one.

1. One reason for H. Roarks expulsion was be cause of his drawings. when told to do an assignment on drawing historical styles he submitted something that wasn't of his teachers approval.I guess he was a visionary in his own mind.His professors didn't know how to take his wild drawings so passed him because they didn't know how to grade him.
Another reason I believe he was kicked out was because of how he mad his teachers or people in general feel invisible or insignificant and they were intimidated by his brilliance.
Roarks teachers evaluate him differently because in each class demanding something different from him and he only did what he felt was right in his own eyes.

2. I dont believe that Peter is an outstanding architecural student because he seems to be very unsure of himself. To me an outstanding student wouldn't be so underhanded in the way I see him. He cares more for what someone will think of him to have self worth.His character tells me that he is very selfish and he uses people for his own advantage also.

3. Society rejected Henry Camron's work the same reason Roarks professors did him. They simply wasnt ready for what he had o give. People have certain expectations and want the next person to live up to them by their standards, but Henry as well as Roark didn't allow themselves to be subjected by it.
Roark stays because he knows that if he works under Camron he will gain some knowledge in doing so. Also I believe that both characters see each other eye to eye. Carining nothing for themselves but the earth and building.

4. From my reading Franco has achieved his work by claimiming others. He thinks its more important to woe a clien by throwing and going to parties instead of letting "his" work speak for him. The thing that Keatings and Franco have in common is haveing being on top no atter how to achieve it. They are different from Roark because of the way they use their talents. roark is to himself not caring for the next person only earth and archietechture.

Friday, December 19, 2008

blog five

1. The uncharted forrest symbolizes the fear of branching out into the unknown. Or it could be something else like the mind finding some information doesnt nuderstand it and rejects it insted of analyizing it.

2. The house has many different colors that might be overwhelming since they are so used to blach, whit, and dull. The house may hold appliances they may not understand so the experience may definetly be strange and unique, but insted of fearing it they accept it.

noy done but will be finished later.

blog four

1. I would not want to live in that type of secluded society.No one is unique t and live up to the same standards. The quality of life there is short lived. After fourty your titled as unuseable and discarded like trash so the quality is very small.

2. I think it could have happened whenever. A war could have happened and people decided not to rebuild but hide like in the movie the Village. Or possibly in the past because of lack of technology.

3. The thing that was discovered was electricity. It could be used for central lighting, cooking, central air, and telephones.

5. The council wasn't ready to move into the future and use electricity. To me the greatest fear the council had was, moving into the future and progress that was being made.

Thursday, September 4, 2008



I'm the one in the light that no one sees. In the moss of a point no one knows about. I'm the one in the middle of the hall and someone seldom calls my name. The one whose face quietly blinds in the crowd. Its me that everyone see but fails to knows its me TRUTHFUL.......